@camrymps/toyota-client-v2 - v1.0.0

Toyota API Client


$ npm install @camrymps/toyota-client-v2


Setting up a client instance is simple:

import { ToyotaClient } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";

// Initialize the client
const client: ToyotaClient = new ToyotaClient();

// Use the client...

Client methods

Get all vehicles

Refer to: ToyotaClient#getAllVehicles

Also see: VehicleResponseBody

This method returns a list of all Toyota vehicles and their associated properties.

import { ToyotaClient, VehicleResponseBody } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";

// Initialize the client
const client: ToyotaClient = new ToyotaClient();

// Get all vehicles
.then((vehicles: VehicleResponseBody) => {
// handle response
.catch((error: any) => {
// handle error

// or ...
(async () => {
try {
const vehicles: VehicleResponseBody = await client.getAllVehicles();

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error

Get a specific vehicle

Refer to: ToyotaClient#getVehicle

Also see: VehicleResponseBody

This method returns a specific Toyota vehicle and its associated properties.

import { ToyotaClient, VehicleResponseBody } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";

// Initialize the client
const client: ToyotaClient = new ToyotaClient();

// Get a specific vehicle
.getVehicle("tacoma", 2024)
.then((vehicle: VehicleResponseBody) => {
// handle response
.catch((error: any) => {
// handle error

// or ...
(async () => {
try {
const vehicle: VehicleResponseBody = await client.getVehicle(
"tacoma", // vehicle
2024 // year

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error

Get a specific vehicle's grade

Refer to: ToyotaClient#getVehicleGrade

Also see: VehicleGradeResponseBody

This method returns a specific Toyota vehicle's grade and its associated properties.

import { ToyotaClient, VehicleGradeResponseBody } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";

// Initialize the client
const client: ToyotaClient = new ToyotaClient();

// Get a specific vehicle's grade
.getVehicleGrade("prius", 2024, "LE")
.then((vehicleGrade: VehicleGradeResponseBody) => {
// handle response
.catch((error: any) => {
// handle error

// or ...
(async () => {
try {
const vehicleGrade: VehicleGradeResponseBody = await client.getVehicleGrade(
"prius", // vehicle
2024, // year
"XLE" // grade

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error

Get dealerships

Refer to: ToyotaClient#getDealerships

Also see: DealershipResponseBody

This method returns Toyota dealerships within a certain region (region name or zip code, see Region type alias).

import { ToyotaClient, DealershipResponseBody } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";

// Initialize the client
const client: ToyotaClient = new ToyotaClient();

// Get dealerships
"53075" // region
.then((dealerships: DealershipResponseBody) => {
// handle response
.catch((error: any) => {
// handle error

// or ...
(async () => {
try {
const dealerships: DealershipResponseBody = await client.getDealerships(
"EAST" // region

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error


Data retrieved from Toyota's API can be transformed upon receipt by passing a transformation function to any of ToyotaClient's methods. Both synchronous or asynchronous transformation functions are supported, thanks to Zod's transform method.

Below is an example of a simple synchronous transformation:


(async () => {
try {
const vehicleGrade: VehicleGradeResponseBody["data"]["getConfigByGrade"] =
await client.getVehicleGrade<VehicleGradeResponseBody["data"]["getConfigByGrade"]>(
"camry", // vehicle
2024, // year
"LE", // grade
"NATIONAL", // region
"EN", // language
(data: VehicleGradeResponseBody) => data.data.getConfigByGrade // transformation function

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error

The example below makes a request for a specific vehicle, uses an asynchronous transformation to also retrieve nearby dealerships and finally, combines the returned data:


(async () => {
try {
const vehicleAndDealerships: VehicleResponseBody & { dealerships: DealershipResponseBody } =
await client.getVehicle<VehicleResponseBody & { dealerships: DealershipResponseBody }>(
"camry", // vehicle
2024, // year
"53075", // region
"EN", // language
async (data: VehicleResponseBody) => {
const dealerships = await client.getDealerships(53075);

return {
} // transformation function

// do something with the returned data
} catch (error: any) {
// handle error

Error handling

Most errors that occur will be an instance of Zod's ZodError, which is a subclass of Error. The ZodError class is exported in this package for convenience. The example below checks the instance of the error before determining how to handle it:

import { ToyotaClient, ZodError } from "@camrymps/toyota-client-v2";


(async () => {
try {
await client.getVehicle("sienn", 2024);
} catch (error: any) {
if (error instanceof ZodError) {
const errors = error.errors;

// handle Zod error

// handle other error


To run the tests, simply issue the following command:

$ npm test


While this client retrieves data directly from Toyota's website, it is not an official Toyota client. This client is meant to be used for learning purposes only. Use it at your own risk and, as always, be respectful of Toyota's servers.